Monday, June 25, 2012

4rth World Congress of Teledermatology

We are happy to invite you to Georgia to take part in the
4th World Congress of Teledermatology
to be held in Tbilisi, Oct. 04-06, 2012 at the Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel.
This Congress will continue the tradition of previous World Teledermatology Congresses - provide the most updated information in the field of Teledermatology, and give the participants an opportunity of meeting experts from all over the world. At the same time we are planning to maintain the tradition of successful large international medical conferences in Georgia, one of the examples of which is 25th IUSTI-Europe Conference held in Tbilisi in Sept. 2010.
The structure of the meeting is similar to the previous ones. Abstract publication and posters session have also been planned. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the scientific part of the meeting, as well as the unique historical environment of Tbilisi. Being at the Crossroads of European and Asian cultures Georgia has plenty to offer to you in terms of sightseeing, entertainment, fun, and cuisine. Please see more information by visit our website  Looking forward to meeting you in Tbilisi.

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