Sunday, June 24, 2007

An ulcerated plaque with erythematous indurated borders

This young man had several month history of developing a non healing ulcerated lesion with erythematous, indurated borders on the left arm. What would be the differential diagnosis?


Dr. Shahbaz A.Janjua said...

The patient came from an endemic area for Leishmaniasis. It was a case of cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

Dr. Shahbaz A.Janjua said...

The differntial diagnosis would include cutaneous malignancies such as keratoacanthoma, SCC or
BCC, infectious granulomas such as leishmaniasis, atypical TB or
nocardia, non-infectious granulomas such as foreign body granuloma,
sarcoidosis, and acquired perforating disease.

Jayakar Thomas said...

Appears to be lupus vulgaris